Creativity Labs

Unblocking expression through interdisciplinary techniques

About the Labs

We are all naturally creative. It’s a matter of plasticity, nurturing the creative muscles that allow us to enter flow-states with more ease and joy. Through a nimble, interdisciplinary approach to writing, play, and experimentation, together we’ll develop our ability to:

  • Improve our relationship to the imagination

  • Play with ideas and stories with greater fluidity

  • Calm the inner-critic and perfectionist

  • Enhance curiosity, presence, and joy in the creative process

Whether you're developing particular creative projects, have been thinking about it, or just want to bring more spontaneity into your life, the Labs welcome all backgrounds and experience levels. Bring yourself and see what shows up!


Story Lab

Standby for next class dates and registration!


A six-week course designed to improve our understanding of story elements and ability to play with them. Richer, more-embodied storytelling helps us to go deeper in all creative projects! Across the course we’ll be exploring three main modalities of improv, as well as writing for performance:

  • SETTING - (BATS Improv SF) - Acting as If

  • CHARACTER - (Groundlings Theatre LA) - Comedy of the Who

  • PREMISE - (Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre NY) - Game of the Scene/Play

  • GENRE and CONFLICT - (UC Riverside MFA in Screenwriting) - Tone and Change

We’ll apply these tools to drafting, pitching, rewriting, and performing original character monologue and co-written sketches. While these may not be genres you are working in now, they are incredible tools for understanding story in a modular, iterative way. When we focus on process, the applications are widespread.

  • Week 1 - Environment / Idea Generation / Commitment

  • Week 2 - Character Traits / Point-of-View / Disappearing

  • Week 3 - Elements of Monologue  / Monologue Pitch

  • Week 4 - Monologue Rewrites / Game and Theme

  • Week 5 - Elements of Sketch / Co-Written Sketch Pitch

  • Week 6 - Sketch Rewrites


Teacher: Jo Garrity

Level: Open

Class Size: 12 pax

Starts: To Be Announced

Times: Tuesdays 19:00 - 21:30

Location: Arts de Lavanda, C/ del ParadΓ­s, 6, Barcelona

Duration: 6 weeks

Class Dates: To Be Announced

Price: 150€

*Between weeks 5 and 6 some time outside of class will be necessary to rewrite co-written sketches. 


About the Instructor

Jo Garrity is a Californian improviser, writer, and filmmaker based in Barcelona. Working backwards, Jo learned of improv while working as a research intern at Saturday Night Live. Watching weekly shows at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, he learned gradually that improv was not exclusively for Extreme Extroverts or Professional Actors. In 2010, he stepped nervously into his first class at the YWCA Berkeley, catching a bug that has plagued him through the training programs of Bay Area Theatre Sports Improv (SF), the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre (NY), and the Groundlings (LA). He earned an MFA in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts at the University of California, Riverside, where he majored in screenwriting with a minor in creative nonfiction. He writes essays, poetry, and screenplays, including his personal tragicomedy, Twinsburg.